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Adventist Student
Personnel Association


Become a member of ASPA and make an impact in student affairs administration and in the lives of students.

ASPA members represent all segments of the student affairs profession and organizations that are engaged in the campus marketplace. Whether you are a student, residential life dean, career counselor, multicultural affairs director, or vice president of student affairs, ASPA provides its members with the tools, resources, and knowledge to succeed in your role at all stages of your career.

What Makes It ASPA:

ASPA recognizes the dynamic role student personnel professionals have in Adventist education. ASPA offers its members access to the practical knowledge and resources needed to excel in their positions and contribute positive change within the profession, their campus community, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Membership of the Association shall be open to Seventh-day Adventists employed in private or public schools and non-SDAs employed in SDA institutions, in the following categories:

* student personnel administration

* residential life

* counseling and counseling education

* chaplaincy

* health services

* international/multi-cultural services

* career planning and placement

* campus safety

* student activities

* learning centers

Membership may also include others interested in the student personnel profession, such as former student personnel workers and undergraduate or graduate students interested in related areas of study or work.  Click here to read the history of the ASPA organization.

Direct all questions regarding membership to:

ASPA President